A new pole for the racers as well

Although its been branded a free riders dream......... this new pole is taking the racing scene in europe to a new level too..............


European racer Sophie Perrin is now fully sponsored and will show case it in 2010.........

So, I wonder which of you yank riders will be the first to get signed?
LOL................ every pole that comes out with 2 tubes will be likened to a RRP..... take it from me, what ever it may look like it is 100 times better!

The pics dont do it justice,
LOL................ every pole that comes out with 2 tubes will be likened to a RRP..... take it from me, what ever it may look like it is 100 times better!

The pics dont do it justice,

Can you elaborate on how a pole with adjustable length that looks like the original design can be that much better. I am not knocking it I would just like to know how it is better. Try to talk me into ordering this one over the RRP.

Just like the Xmetal is so great for freestyle but it is just like any other pole it just looks a TON better and weighs a bit less than some others.
Can you elaborate on how a pole with adjustable length that looks like the original design can be that much better. I am not knocking it I would just like to know how it is better. Try to talk me into ordering this one over the RRP.

Just like the Xmetal is so great for freestyle but it is just like any other pole it just looks a TON better and weighs a bit less than some others.

Sopme pointers thay may help, and its important to remember there is no slating the RRP either......

RRP - sand cast sockets - anodised alloy tubes
Titan - billet sockets - stainless tubes - billet cable clamp - billet chin bracket locator - A4 hardware kit - built in design features to reduce flex giving more positive feel etc etc........

Jeez I keep on like this they may give me a sales job :lmao:

I have had many different boats, products etc, baught and tried them all..... quality engineering is what us brits are known for, rubbish at soccer, rubbish at olympics...... but engineering is us!

I have found that climbing all over my ski took off the anodising on the tubes, I had problems with my lower bracket on the RR, so I guess along with the built in design of the upper socket and steering plate........ it is better......IMO
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Don't know how it can be that much better than an RRP?? Unless it's a 100 times stronger and a 100 times lighter?

$200 dollars more than the RRP? How much does it weight?

All the features you listed sound nice. But at the end of the day, it's just a pole. Seems like you're just paying for that fancy finish and stuff.
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steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I think it's curious that he responds to just about any post about pimping that pole (nice as it is) while completely ignoring a very simple question.


Manners cost nothing
Barrie - ontario
Do you work for the manufacturer or the partnering company?

A simple yes or no will suffice.

More specifically, are you in any way affiliated with TITAN (as in, co-owner, anything like that)?

I was thinking that same thing yesterday about a yes or no.

Looks to be a product pusher so I would say yes.

def could be onto some thing... was same situation on this thread


opinions are like a $ $ h o l e s ... we all have one
Of course yes.............. :)

Firstly, thank you to all the genuine interested parties that have sent emails through the normal channels regarding our new pole. We will endeavour to answer all your questions prior to taking our annual vacation later this week.

Secondly, nothing wrong in pushing a product, have not slated or defamated any characters or products we go into competition against.

We are a genuine company and I am using an existing user name I use on other world wide forums.

I own the jetskicentre, and am co owner of Titan Performance products.

I am of course happy to answer any questions regarding our product you may have.

In my abscence, your questions can be answered through the titan web site email.

Best regards,



steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
Thank you!

Good luck with the pole, it looks very nice. I just wanted a clarification of whether you were a genuine user with a product review (and no ties to the company) or a vendor.
Nothing wrong with being either, but it helps readers to know which is which.

Good luck with the venture, I hope to see more nice products from TITAN.


Manners cost nothing
Barrie - ontario
this pole looks spank.... only concern seems to be how your going about promoting it.. i have seen this on three threads now and you give the impression your just a rider... when in fact your not..

even on the new product thread


if your straight up about being invlved with the company then people have a better indication of where your coming from

nothing wrong with promoting the product, most of the maufactures on here do... but you know they are representing.

i wish you guys luck, i love that decent jet ski products are coming out of the UK, i love air time products and will promote the hell out of their stuff whenever i can

.. if i ever break my RRP pole id probably go with the billet system
Agreed, it may have been better to have originally posted a new account..........

But I have personal email, registered to this account......... it shows clearly who I am.

Any comments pertaining to the performance of the pole are as designer, manufaturer and user of this product.

I will change my forumuser tag to show a clearer picture...... maybe this will help.

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