Custom/Hybrid A Weekend of Wrenching

So this weekend we had guys come from Estevan (7hrs away) Taber (5 1/2hrs away) and Edmonton (2hrs away) just to do some wrenching for our short summer season. The ice should be off our lakes in the next month or 2 so all skis need to be ready! We defoamed, turfed, and put footholds in a square nose. We put a jetworks big bore top end kit in a round nose. Turfed an octane. Did some finishing touches on a powerfactor install on the xfr and then Did some serious comparing between the backie-chan, rok-r, kdx, and xfr. Thanks for the great weekend guys. Here are some pics:
More Pictures and comparison threads to come!....... p.s. we took the scale and got lots of weights ;)


Arlington TX
Not sure if im more jealous of your garage or all the hardware you have inside it. Not jealous of the "ice will be off our lakes soon" part. It'll be 80 in N.Texas today lol....

Cool pics.
Thanks chris all your parts really came in handy to say the least! They where very closely lined up but not perfect. We're Gunna post a comparison thread right away. The Kdx is longest then rickter the backie chan then rokr. This is measuring from bottom deck not overall length.
Thanks again for the hospitality Ryan! You and Lorne made us feel right at home... The Corona's taste better the further North you go...Weird....hahaha.. Oh.. And before it stArts, the FX-1 ain't for sale.. Is it Lorne.. Shes the boss...
Thanks to Andrew as well..wouldn't have got as much done with out you. There is lots of open water hear now... I'm bugging Ian to get in the water next week... I think he's scared of the jetworks Rn...haha


Cats, lots of cats!
United States
Those are some nice toys for "short summers"...what do you guys do the rest of the year? Just drink beer and wait for summer?

Cool you opened up your shop to others! That is a sweet shop BTW, I am jelly!
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