300/440/550 Advice on JS300


I am looking at picking up a JS300, is there any thing to look out for or is it something i should avoid. I have very little idea about them and have always wanted a jet ski but they cost a small fortume but the older ones are comming down in price to a point where i could get one past the house spending commitee.
I dont really want to spend over $1000 NZD so my choices are limited to the older stand up ones but as it will only be a muck around toy for summer.

any advice on them would be great, i have had a look about but havent found much using google. I understand that it will be a little underpowered as it is only a 300 but would it provide a good starting point for learning and understanding how they work.

if you could find a 550 you would be better off, more parts available for them they can be built up, a 300 is a 300 is a 300... I see your in new zealand and dont know about the market there for skis, if this is it then go for it but if you can find a 550 they are better platform short of getting into a superjet,
try to get a 440 or 550 at least.the 300 were grossly underpowered but very reliable.go fast parts are almost non existant these days for them as well so it'll be hard to make it keep up with your riding needs.
if a js 300,you could then drop a 440 or 550 motor in it a later date.


I'm Baaaack!
Mobile, AL
most js300 hulls are a lot nicer since they weren't usually ridden as hard. The js300 I bought was MINT so it made for a NICE 550 after swapping some parts.


X-2? Yes please
Cape Cod, ma
the 300 actually puts out more power than the 440 stock.

Its not a bad engine, and once your moving it goes pretty fast.....

a larger ski would be more fun, but its better than nothing
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