Surfriding Advice on Short or Long ride plate / Pole on BOB Gen 2?



I got my first ski and went for my first couple of rides over the weekend. I was having trouble keeping the nose down when i go a bit fast. I got some advice to put some weight down on my front leg and it helped a lot. But i have to REALLY push on my front leg to keep it down.

I got the ski to start riding in the surf. It is a BOB Gen 2 surf hull with a stock UMI Pole.
I wanted to know if i should switch to my other ride plate i got with it which is about 1.5" longer, or just get used to the short one. If eventually it is easier to pull off tricks with the short plate i will just adapt tot he ski.

Also my pole and steering setup is a bit long. I am 5'7 weigh about 165-170lbs.
Would it help if i chop the pole and change my steering system?
jetski1.jpg Here you can see my pole setup

Thanks in advance.
I know on my Gen3 stock length isn't recommended. It's advised to go shorter on pole length. I went with the RRP cast pole on mine so I've got more adjustability


I know on my Gen3 stock length isn't recommended. It's advised to go shorter on pole length. I went with the RRP cast pole on mine so I've got more adjustability
Thanks I switched my ride plate to the long one to see how it goes next time I ride.
I think i'm going to order an RRP fat bar system with straight bars. That will give me about -3 to -4 inches on my pole. If that is not enough i'll have them chop my umi pole -1" and if needed i'll keep chopping until I find the right length I need. I was looking at the x-metal comp pole but I am afraid to get it and it ends up being too short. I might spend the extra money for an RRP pole but since I live abroad everything is more expensive.
The RRP Is a nice option because they sell replacement tubes. So if you end up not liking the length you can get another set. I was gonna go with an xmetal, but everywhere I tried was out of stock and they were on backorder. I'm glad I went the RRP route instead though. It's a quality piece :D


The RRP Is a nice option because they sell replacement tubes. So if you end up not liking the length you can get another set. I was gonna go with an xmetal, but everywhere I tried was out of stock and they were on backorder. I'm glad I went the RRP route instead though. It's a quality piece :D
Thanks I will start by getting the Steering system to see if it helps. If i need a shorter pole I might just sell the umi and get an RRP instead of chopping it.
A bob billet pole mount (dual breather) should work with all RRP poles. Maybe have some different sized bushings on hand just incase. The stock 28" RRP tubes on a cast upper and lower will measure at at 40". I cut 1.5" off either end of the pole tubes and it made a huge improvement to my riding.

Mate how long is it from the pole bolt to the steering pivot bolt on your current setup?
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A bob billet pole mount (dual breather) should work with all RRP poles. Maybe have some different sized bushings on hand just incase. The stock 28" RRP tubes on a cast upper and lower will measure at at 40". I cut 1.5" off either end of the pole tubes and it made a huge improvement to my riding.

Mate how long is it from the pole bolt to the steering pivot bolt on your current setup?
Thanks, mine has dual breathers so it should be good to go. I will have to measure it in a couple of hours when i'm home. I will let you know


I measured the pole and from the mount bolt to the steering system bolt is 39". From the mount bolt to the bend where it starts going straight is 27"
2.jpg 1.jpg 3.jpg @700Pirate
Thanks for the pics.

Mate I ran a 39-40" RRP pole (which is the stock length) I found it a little too long. Mine is at 37" now which seems to be the sweet spot for surf and works ok flat.
20140704_075624_800x600.jpg 20140704_075554_800x600.jpg

You could save the $$ and cut it down 2"?

Maybe someone else can chime in on the plate options. Mine is pretty long and non d-cut. Seems to work OK for surf and the occasional flatwater madness.
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Thanks a lot.
Your ski looks nice. How tall are you? Looking at your setup now i see that my steering setup is way too long. I think I just might take the pole to a shop and remove 2" from it. And order an rrp fat bar system since that was what i was goin.

The ride plate i have i'm not sure what type it is but there is not too much difference between them. just about 1.7" longer, same shape ad all.
9.jpgboth the pics are from the long ride plate.
I am 5ft 11. Check this long plate.
Yeah it is.

37" shouldn't kill your back and would still give you better control and bring you forward a bit. Good for surf, lake or flat. Imo.
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If you could cut down your current pole and have the resources to get it done say in the next week I would go for it. Ride it and see how you like it. RRP pole and another steering system is going to run you 1k at least on new stuff. Christmas on the way ;)

37" or less courtesy


Thanks I will have it done next week. I didn't want to disassemble the pole since it's the weekend and was planning on riding. I was going to take the pole to a well known machine shop here and have them do it. I never welded before so I wouldn't take any chances on my pole ha
Yeah the rrp's are kind of pricey just because i have to pay import taxes on everything. But I like the way it looks a lot better than the xmetal ones. Is it worth the extra money for the lightweight rrp poles? or does it not do much difference?
I like the RRP set-up. Breathes easy and plenty strong. I run a HD pole spring and the pole stays where you leave it. My cast pole feels like an antique but it works. The new system I would like is going to run a 1.5k but that money could be spent elsewhere. Towards bigger pump, PFP or even maybe on the wife.
i didnt read all this but ill throw my specs :p

bob gen1
185 lbs
31" pole from pivot bolt to center of handle bars
short ride plate vs long, i havent tried on this ski yet but on my 750sx it makes a difference in the short jumps better an the long is more stable for obvious reasons. i hate trying to jump with the extended plate vs stock or D cut
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