another crack smoker on craigslist

i hear 68mph is the magical number that the rock starts to melt. maybe it's the delorian of the water and crack? yeah i don't know if i spelled the back to the future car correctly :p
Speeds may be a little off....

BUT...if you watch Ebay SXI Pro's were selling for $2500 each last year...not sure about this year as I haven't paid much attention. His look pretty clean too.


Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
Site Supporter
Granbury, TX
Well considering Mark McQueen's Hydro-Doo Ski GP boat does ~66mph and is one of the fastest standups I've ever witnessed in person....

Pretty sure those skis wont do more than 45-48 on a good day.... Hell my spec HX does 50 on a good day....


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
Our XP with a 587cc tops out at 38mph, checked with a GPS. Our 550 will keep up with it.

Throw a 650 or a 750 in there with matching pump and I bet she'll do atleast 45mph.


Houston, TX
Well considering Mark McQueen's Hydro-Doo Ski GP boat does ~66mph and is one of the fastest standups I've ever witnessed in person....

Pretty sure those skis wont do more than 45-48 on a good day.... Hell my spec HX does 50 on a good day....

Tonight, I'll bring over my 750 ST. It doesn't have a speedo, but I'm pretty sure it will hit 90 (assuming my carb rebuild kit is on my doorstep).

EDIT: Remind me to bring you my camera for your race.


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
And everyone missed the fact that the SXIpro model wasn't produced untill 1998. Pro's went 47mph factory stock, and a well built one (like Crossr used to race) will go 52+ fairly easily. 60 on the older 92-96 SXI hulls was very difficult to ride, trust me. 68 would be next to impossible.
And everyone missed the fact that the SXIpro model wasn't produced untill 1998. Pro's went 47mph factory stock, and a well built one (like Crossr used to race) will go 52+ fairly easily. 60 on the older 92-96 SXI hulls was very difficult to ride, trust me. 68 would be next to impossible.

Yeah, I am planning on calling the guy (since they are here in Greenville) and asking how he got sxi pros 3 years before everyone else. I will also offer him double his price if either one can bust 55 and half his price if neither can break 50. Sounds Like a good deal to me
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