Super Jet Another happy far.

I bit the bullet today and ordered an x metal steering system. It is the fixed system "shorty: edition. It's -3.5".

I got the black system, with black straight bars and clamps. I have read nothing but the best about x metal and figured that I couldnt go wrong. Customer service was great i called them up and they answered all my questions and were very proffesional. Just wanted togive them a shout out.

For those that have the system, what do you think? Did I make a good decision? I am 6'3", so I figured the -3.5" system would be nice for me. My ski is stock right now. This will be the first mod. Followed next wek by a ride plate and workx grate!



Grand Rapids, MI
you will love the steering system i have the exact same setup on my ski....all black fixed -3.5" and it is the bomb!....only problem i have is if you put the cable on the last hole out you have to clearance quite a bit for the stock rn chin pad as the cable rubs hard.


Grand Rapids, MI
yup stock rn pole on my square...steering comes with 2 bushings and you use the one that fit's..has to be tapped in with a mallet cause it's a tight fit....and exactly the last outside hole gives you he most throw, doesn't mean you have to use it. and the plastic part right where the bolt holding the chinpad is...the steering cable hit's it...what i get enough clearance so it won't bind on it..mine still rubs a little bit at full throw. i ground out the plastic just above the nut that holds the chinpad down. then i mixed up some epoxy resin with some 404 filler and gooped a little on there and made it a semi circle. that way the nut was still solid in place and there was room for the have to take out just enough material that it looks like the nut will no longer stay by itself, and the area the nut is in is hollow so i made it solid with the resin concoction and shaped as needed
Will the round nose pad have the same problem? I have never seen the bare plates, but theey are different shape I assunme. If I run into the problem, I will copy your idea. I appreciate the input. One less problem to surprise me!


Grand Rapids, MI
yes it will i have a stock rn pole, pad, and bracket on my sn. i am also running the xmetal billet throttle on my ski as everything about this whole setup. i rode a budd'y ski with a stock steering on it last week and was amazed at how crappy it felt and hw much the stock turnplate felt like garbage..felt like the steering was broke. i'm hooked on this steering setup
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man thats good to hear! I think it will really help me move forward . Im still learning the stand uop ropes, but Im loving every minute of it. With this steering, a plate to keep the nose down and my grate i figure it will be much easier!


Arlington TX
I just installed the adjustable system on my FX1. The factory bushings were shot, so I figured why not just upgrade the whole thing.
My plan is to play with the adjustments, and if I want it shorter, i'll chop my poll a couple inches, and then bring the bar back to compensate and find perfect length for me. We'll see how that goes LOL...

I think the steering throw adjustment is different on mine, but I had the same issues with hitting the chin pad. I used a angle grinder and notched it out. The retainer nut isn't affected.

I haven't ridden it yet, but just turning it on my cart it feels sooooo much better. Defintely great support from Xmetal and a awesome product.

Looking forward to your feedback on the fixed option.


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Ya, thats the system I have too. You will love it. You will be able to get you weight more forward over the ski and make it easier to man handle it into submission.. :biggrin:

I'm 6'1 and between my pole shortening & Xmetal steering I have a total of -7.5"

Have fun!


I had a vision!
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s florida
another great mod to do to improve steering is to move the ball end about 1/2 inc on the inside on the plastic steering nozzle. This will give you immediate and super quick steering response for those nose stabs and/or barrel rolls
Also, if you don't want to cut into your chinpad, you can always go with our AM carbon chinpad.


I had a vision!
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s florida
another great mod to do to improve steering is to move the ball end about 1/2 inc on the inside on the plastic steering nozzle. This will give you immediate and super quick steering response for those nose stabs and/or barrel rolls
Also, if you don't want to cut into your chinpad, you can always go with our AM carbon chinpad.
Right on. Im glad I picked the right one!. Dirty J is going t ohelp me out with the quick steer Mod to the cone, Should make it turn on a dime!. Once its all installed I will see if I feel cutting the pole down is a good plan. If so, ill probably do it over the winter.

AS far as the chin pad goes, I guess I will have to mod my stock chin pad as I won't be going carobn right now. Funds just arnt there! Its nothing a case of beer and some time wont fix!

Next ill have to buy a pole spring to lift this heavy bitch up!

Thanks for all the inut gents!



2000 Superjet
Lake Norman, NC
Has anyone had problems with the steering coming loose? I love mine as well, but its gotten to the point where every 45 minutes i have to come to the dock and tighten it up. Even with lock tite it still does it. I just got the x metal adjustable pole today which has a recess in the bottom to hold the nut in place. Hopefully that might solve my problem.


Grand Rapids, MI
nope i've ridden on mine at least once a week since may and only tightened it back up once and it was only like 1/4 turn or so looser than i like it


2000 Superjet
Lake Norman, NC
Do you use lock tite? It only seems to happen when i attempt a barrel role. I think the force of me turning the bars sideways and turning at the same time is what does it.


Grand Rapids, MI
ypu small drop of blue...but i am not attempting barrel rolls yet either...working on stab's but i'm not fully committing myself to all my attempt's yet..still working on getting used to the feeling of changing directions in the air.
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