Any ideas?


NewYork Crew
Buffalo , NY
I was riding last week when my ski just shut off, tried starting and i ended up killing the battery by trying to start it. Well i swam my way in and looked at the ski everything looked fine but wouldnt start.

So yesturday got new plugs and took the air filter off and tried puttin a little tiny gas in the carb and starting it.. It started right up but kinda rough then after about 5 seconds it just shuts its self off but in a rough way.

Took the head off and pistons and head look fine , no parts or scratches.

I am kinda new at the whole engine breaking thing or if it is even the engine but any input could help.

o and the skis a 92 sx with a 95 sxi motor


toronto canada
buy a oem head gasket, maybe the other person who owned ski just used a high temp silicone, also do you have a primer on your ski did you try that when ski wouldnt start?
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I'm on my second 92SX, one very common problem with the Kawis are the plug leads. Pull the leads out of the plug caps and snip off a 1/4" then screw them back in. Get a really good zip-tie and secure those leads inside the caps so they won't ever back out again. When you say it sounded rough after giving it that little shot of gas it made me think of one cylinder was only firing. You could also just have a leak around that sealant and lost your compression. That would explain why it ran and then wouldn't start again when it finally quit. That red goop they used on your head sounds a lot like anaerobic flange sealant. It's very good stuff but def. not something to have as a replacement for a head gasket, I don't think it would handle the pressures from combustion for long. Get yourself new head gasket to put in there.

If it still doesn't start after that without dumping fuel down the carb then like Ericfox said, pull your carb off. Give it a good cleaning and do yourself a favour while you're in that far, check your reeds. Make sure they're sealing to the cages and that pieces of them are not broken off, or an entire reed is. They're dirt cheap to replace and made of fiber so they won't trash the engine if they break. They should be replaced after every few years of use anyway.
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If it's only firing when dumping gas down the carb throat and shutting off right after thats burnt up, it's a good possibility you have a stuck needle and seat. THat would be the first place to look with the carb.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
or the crank seals went south. causing it to only run when flooded w/ extra fuel.

From my experience, the engine starts exceptionally well when there's an air leak.

My guess is there's no gas in the lines. Maybe the lines/filter screens in the tank are nasty and gummed up. Maybe the fuel filter is clogged. Either way, if it fires and idles with you directly pouring gas into the carb, you've eliminated the problem down to tank lines and carb. I'd blow through the fuel lines to make sure they aren't clogged first. Much easier and cheaper than pulling the carb apart, cleaning, and rebuilding it.


NewYork Crew
Buffalo , NY
I was out all day on the sit down..thank god that works so at least i got out on the water.. I will be looking at my problems tomm starting with the fuel and air leaks. Where can i get a head gasket because the motor has a aftermarket R&D Head. Are those the same as stock gaskets


NewYork Crew
Buffalo , NY
checked for air leaks..dont see any, lines are not plugged... It still will only start when i pour gas in the carb and then dies out after about 5 seconds
Check the crank bearings for any play. My Sea-Couch did that too. The crank bearings are shot and when you come onto the gas the force from the combustion pushed the crank down enough to open an air space between the crank and seals on the stator side.


NewYork Crew
Buffalo , NY
i feel its the something with the carb but i dont have anything to follow diagram wise to rebuild or know whats going on with it..sorry im kinda new at troubleshooting 1st time working on the ski
Yeah, lean conditions are hard to find. Checking the crank bearings is fairly easy to do. Just pull the flywheel cover and get access to your flywheel, then grab the bottom of the flywheel and try to get any up or downward play from the crank. There should be virtually zero play. The thing about crank seals is that they tend expand outward and away from the crank shaft when it gets spinning. If the bearings are due to be replaced, the seals won't expand far enough to match the bearing play and it opens a very small air gap. Then you get your lean condition. For how easy it is to check the bearings I would at least rule it out before stripping parts off.


NewYork Crew
Buffalo , NY
took the whole ski apart got everything clean and what not.. it ended up being a carb issue and i still think the carb isnt running right yet but i have another problem.. Also i had an exhaust leak coming for the water drain plug at the bottom of the engine, i built a block off plate and got rid of that. But !

I can start the ski up and it runs fine , did a slight tune, i hook up the flush kit and run the ski works fine... well i went out yesturday put it in the water and it only goes about 5 mph full throttle. Now what could be my problem ? ( i had to straight pipe the exhaust now bc the fiberglass water box blew up on a back fire but that shouldnt really mess it up that bad right?)
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