The tires to replace the beach cart tires are the "Nanco N800". They are available a numerous sites.
A tube would have worked for me but I didn't know where to find a tube, or what tube specifically to buy, so I got the Nanco N800 set.
I got the N800 tires and dropped them off at a regular tire shop. They broke my rim. Unfortunately I did not think to cut the tire off and I also didn't think to go to a place that does motorcycles. I probably could have done it myself but I figured I'd just pay someone who knew what they were doing.
If I had bad rims, I would have ordered them with rims too but I think my rims were fine. Unfortunately, when I went back and they said they thought the rim was aluminum, it was quite clear they did not know what they were doing.
I bought tubes and slid them in my cracked to hell tires years ago. When the tire cracked worse and the tube started poking out, I stuffed a piece of carpet in there to protect the tube it worked
Please include links or a search title for the tubes. This would be more helpful if I knew what to search for.
Yea those look the same as the 20$ ones. Slick black. I put them on steel rims with 1/2" axle holes. The rims rust and I gotta keep the axles oiled or the wheels freeze up. Lol
Same, as above.