Anyone trying to sell a ski at wave daze?

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I was just wondering if anyone was trying to sell a ski at wavedaze this year. ill be down there with my friends at old dominion university 15 minutes away from va beach and was just looking to buy a superjet , 750 sxi, or an sxr. ill have $3000 to spend so it cant be more then that... dont really need a trailer or anything. my 650sx broke yesterday so i wont be able to bring it down :(. but im still really excited to come down and watch you guys rip. hit me up at if you have a ski for sale or just wanna party when you're there... thanks guys
yeah they all go to school there. i got kicked out for partying a little too hard and got caught streaking/missing class. they are mostly theta chi members and frat life got ahold of me. but 5 of my really good friends are seniors and have a house near powhatan. you live around there? and sorry man im not really looking for an fx1 but i hope this thread gets some interest and maybe someone going will let ya know if they are interested. ill be down at odu on thurs night if ya wanna party
Why arent you ODU boys riding down at the beach with us Junkies?? we would love to have you join us!
if i get this job in richmond i'll be out there with you guys all the time. but im stuck in jersey for a while. doing the flatwater thing until i find a good spot at the beach to go riding. also need another ski as my 650sx and js550 are about to undergo some restoration. Im pretty pissed i wont be able to ride when im down there. im no pro at riding but i like going real fast and really high in the air, falling is half the fun. what dorm are you in at odu? maybe we'll get ya to come party with us
alot of us keep our skis at other junkies houses or others trailers,get it here and you can ride the crap out of it,we ride all winter
My skis always for sale!!! Keep an eye on me over the weekend. When you see me with my hands in the engine compartment fighting with it make me an offer! Hell, I might even give it to you if it pisses me off bad enough!!!
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