the boyesen intake system is the deal for flow and getting carbs on and off fast if you need to work on them,to answer your question it is the same as the full spec,ed uses nothing but boyesen. The problem is the boyesen reeds suck. the reg rad valves for stock intakes and the replacement pedals for oem cages suck even worse. I only got a few rides on my 3 stage rad valve in the boyesen intake until the outside one on one side had chiped corners and the inside one would not seal all the way . Im thinking of modding the intake to accept the vf2.
I still say the cheapest most effective way is stock cages and carbontech reeds.I have a set with 4 seasons on them and they seal perfect. Its crazy boyesen is contracted to make them for carbontech,hopefully they will come out with 3 stage pedals, or boyesen will smartin up and use their carbon resins on there own branding.
Gil the r&d intake is more or less a clone,same 48 mill flow,I think its setup for m16 reeds,Ive never tried those.Art seems to like them.