Anyone using Delta V3's


I forgot!
I am running Delta V-1's and am thinking that the petal will need replacing this winter. THey are pretty much obsolete and figured i might as well switch to the V-3's. Does anyone got some experience with them, i know a guy that has them, but his ski is crap and isn't a good example. so who has them?, and how do they work on your setup?


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
This ain't gonna help alot-but- somebody (I honestly can't remember who)
that should know-told me V3 reed petal are VERY prone to break and to stick w/V2's. It might have been crammit or Art or Tricky-i really can't remember but thought enuf of the source that I locked it in my brain to steer clear of the V3s.
when I did my research V2s were the best choice as V3s had issues, I think I remember that the next step up were M16 for any worthwhile improvement but the price reflected that so I stuck with V2s


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
Just upgrade to the Boyesen Rad Valve intake system, less work and bolts right up and performs very well!

Do u see any substantial performance gain over the 2 peice R&D Dominator Manifold other than Boy utilizes o-rings instead of gaskets?


Race Gas Rules
Clearwater Fl.
Do u see any substantial performance gain over the 2 peice R&D Dominator Manifold other than Boy utilizes o-rings instead of gaskets?

I think that for what he wants to do as far as messing with V/F stuff, just get the Boyesen Rad valve system...So, Yes I'm saying it a better setup than anything else on the market for plug and play bolt-ons for freestyle. Less work and performs well.
V/F might give you 50-75 more RPM's at peak rpm, but torque is what we're after.


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
I think that for what he wants to do as far as messing with V/F stuff, just get the Boyesen Rad valve system...So, Yes I'm saying it a better setup than anything else on the market for plug and play bolt-ons for freestyle. Less work and performs well.
V/F might give you 50-75 more RPM's at peak rpm, but torque is what we're after.

I missed my point/question

Does the Boyesen flow better/more than the R&D?

As for him-yes-the Boyesen kit looks to be a super clean and simple. I like the idea of o-rings instead of gaskets. Just curious of flow characteristics between the 2.

Don 79 TA

Still Fat....
i have the VF3's on her SXR (there are two valve blocks they send, one i think is limited, the other mod, we are using the limited)
so far seems ok

I have VF2's in my SJ
again, haven't had problems


I forgot!
so who sells just the boysen rad valve system. I see blowsion has a fullspec intake with the rad valves. a little pricey, i also looked on boysen's site and for some odd reason they only show 4 different rad valves for a superjet with carb boots. anyone use the boysen intake manifold that is pictured on their site, it looks alot like the fullspec. thanks for the feedback so far.

Polish jet pilot

Warsaw, Poland
Sorry to ask a silly question, but do aftermarket reeds really are so much better than e.g oem ones? Do they really add the "snap/brap"? If I do not have a lot of cash and want to upgarde my reeds what do you propose (I hear carbontech and stuffers)? Or should I really save money and get something more expensive?

Thank you guys!

I have the VF3's, and they were a PITA to get tuned right. Petal life has been better than expected for me. Countless hours plus hydrolocks, and the reeds had no wear when I took them out to put in my 46s.
the boyesen intake system is the deal for flow and getting carbs on and off fast if you need to work on them,to answer your question it is the same as the full spec,ed uses nothing but boyesen. The problem is the boyesen reeds suck. the reg rad valves for stock intakes and the replacement pedals for oem cages suck even worse. I only got a few rides on my 3 stage rad valve in the boyesen intake until the outside one on one side had chiped corners and the inside one would not seal all the way . Im thinking of modding the intake to accept the vf2.
I still say the cheapest most effective way is stock cages and carbontech reeds.I have a set with 4 seasons on them and they seal perfect. Its crazy boyesen is contracted to make them for carbontech,hopefully they will come out with 3 stage pedals, or boyesen will smartin up and use their carbon resins on there own branding.
Gil the r&d intake is more or less a clone,same 48 mill flow,I think its setup for m16 reeds,Ive never tried those.Art seems to like them.
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