Anyone using headphones while riding

Wondering if anyone has a water resistant headset/helmet speakers for listening to music while riding? I know people will say the engine is the music but I wear earplugs anytime I’m riding so why not have something that plays music. I know Sena makes good motorcycle stuff but not sure if the speakers can get wet I know the receiver can.
They use them surfing and swimming. Google has many

Personally i wouldn't, i want to hear if a boat is coming or over taking me and also
Be aware of other ski's........underwater audio waterproof


Why is that a bad idea? every other vehicle has audio systems. Cars, MC's boats ect.
You could adjust the volume to were your comfortable.
ive been messing just a little bit with having music in my ears for riding/training freestyle.
Yeah something with wires would be bad but sena makes Bluetooth speaker that go inside the helmet. Don’t see an issue with that. They are legal.
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