Are any octane boosters any good?


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
I have always heard they are a waste of money.
Have they gotten any better?
I noticed Torco Accelerator advertised in the March issue of Ride :confused:


Life's a beach
Leicester MA
I agree with keefer - its snake oil mostly. it DOES raise octane, but not by enoguh to do any good. Better off to get some race gas and mix 25/75 or 50/50 depending on what you need


Yep, the funny Enron math they use to market the product ususally boasts raising octane by 3 to 7 points. If you read the fine print you will see that it is talking about raising the octane by .3 - .7, so you might go from 93 to 93.7 octane at best. Also these boosters contain compounds like MMT that can affect rubber. I have seen it cause damage to the expensive long exhaust hose on a ski that had been running that crap. Don't use it!


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
That 650 head give you too much compression Erich?

Nah, should be fine on premium. I just rode by the drag track which got me thinking about race fuel then saw the ad in Ride and figured I would ask.

May get a jug of race fuel this summer to mix a little into the SJ fuel
From google search....

Mixtures with 92 Octane Premium
10%...94.2 Octane
20%...96.4 Octane
30%...98.6 Octane
Notes: Common ingredient in Octane Boosters in a can. 12-16 ounces will only raise octane 2-3 *points*, I.e. from 92 to 92.3. Often costs $3-5 for 12-16 ounces, when it can be purchased for less than $3/gal at chemical supply houses or paint stores.
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From google search....will this work ??

Go to sherman williams and ask for a 5gallon drum of "xylene"
last summer i got 5 gallons for $25... recently it was $35...

get a big bottle of marvel mystery oil and a bottle of ATF...

xylene is 118 octane, and the mmo and atf is to lubricate/clean...

if i'm not racing, i usually throw the 5 gallons in with about half a tank (8 gallons in my case)... and it cleans out the chamber and stuff and feels like you just bolted on a new piece of hardware... MAJOR seat of your pants difference....

obviously, if you're racing, use less gas, less xylene... unless you like racing with a full tank for some reason....

definately good stuff... you can use "Toluene" aswell, but its lower octane... 114 i think... but a little cheaper...

(toulene and xylene are the main components of any "octane booster" in stores, except you pay $5 for 16oz instead of a gallon....)
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