B-pipe Clearance

I have just finished installing my B-pipe, and find that the clearance is about 1-1.5 cm to the side of the hull, and much more towards the bottom of the hull. The only place where the fit was tight was the engine mount, but I stuck a piece of rubber in between to be safe, although this does not concern me so much as the pipe moves together with the engine.

Is there any other place I should be concerned about rubbing? Because many people compain about rubbing the hull with the B-pipes and I cant find what´s wrong with mine.

Thanks in advance. I will take a pic later at home if necessary.


Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
Skis are like snowflakes, no 2 are exactly alike. I've seen some that rub all the time, and ones have an inch of clearance. Each motor and pump are shimes in their own way, just variations in the materials.

Don't worry about it.


New York Crew
Western New York
yup... very true... both my round noses are slightly different in fit.

I have a piece of rubber epoxied to the gas tanks to keep the pipe from rubbing. And, I use an angle grinder to trim off a slight bit of the front part of the pipe side engine cradle to keep the chamber from rubbing.

both my skis have rub marks in the inside of the hull from the pipe...


it's all good
Site Supporter
I would take a hammer and dent the pipe in slightly so it doesn't rub.


which i believe is such a joke - considering what they cost brand new.

how about making it a 'touch' different from the factory...?

i have had a couple different engine setups in my RN hull, with different b-pipe's, MOD and LIMITED chamber's... they all rub. but i also have about an 1/8 inch of carbon reinforcement on the sides which does not helped the situation.

camber hits the gas tank, bedplates, sides... its great i love it :trink26:


Creative RE Purchasing
I put a second waterbox pad underneath the waterbox to get the whole system up some... glued a piece of hydroturf to the ski of the chamber.

I have at least 3/4" clearance between the chamber and engine bed plate.

Hyrdoturf does touch the hull but would rather have turf touch than the chamber. This is with side reinforcement with a filled bond line.

Tyler Curtis also told me that you can pull straight up on the chamber, then clamp down the large coupler to give even more clearance between the chamber and bed plate.

All done on a RN.
Finished now! Today together with a friend, we figured out why I had space left:

My boat is a 08.....it is much wider at the bottom!
The engine mount was a tight fit though..........

Has anyone got tips regarding restrictors? My ski is otherwise all stock, all plumbing is as Factory Pipe recomends, and some people say I should put a restrictor at the stinger and another one at the pisser. Is this necessary?
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Make sure you have plenty of clearance at the motor mount and at the one little spot that sticks up on the flywheel cover. If you don't have enough clearance you will find out fast. It is amazing how much that pipe actually moves around in there.

Putting the chamber on is a biotch isn't it LOL


Beach Bum
Florida - U.S.A.
The usual problem spots are on top of the left front bead plate, side of the hull and rubbing against the fuel tank.

Grind the top of the bead plate down and use silicone padding in the other two spots.


Beach Bum
Florida - U.S.A.
Try a kitchenware store like Bed Bath & Beyond and look for silicone heat insulating pads or pot holders.

You can glue them to the hull and gas tank right next to the exhaust pipe.



RN Surgery... soon
i ground the rib off the hull, dented the chamber for over the mount, and put hydroturf between the tank and the hull. Fits perfect! HAHA

They are all different. If ytou want an easy fit, buy a Mod chamber
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