bearing buddys


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NO, bearing buddy is just a grease fitting on a spring. It keeps grease under pressure so water doesn't get in when you back trailer into the water. You must repack bearings manually.
They keep front and rear bearings ''entire hub'' under pressure CONSTANTLY to keep water out of the hub , therefor providing lubrication to the rear bearing also .It does not mean you should neglect packing and ''inspecting'' your bearings periodically.
yes they will as there is minimal loss through the rear (inner) seal (of grease) hence you have to be "topping" it up.

My ONLY concern with them is the "sticking out", my buddy lost one by clipping something (he still doesn't know what) probably a narrower launch!


Livin the generation gap
ketchikan alaska
Bearing buddy's work great most of the guy's around here turn the back seal around so you will not build excessive pressure. that let's grease escape through the back.
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