Other Best investments for your ski or riding?


Now with 20% more pulp.
London, ON
I thought it would be interesting to see what people thought of as the best bang for the buck item or gear they bought.

I just bought a pair of $30 walmart skate shoes to wear when riding and couldn't believe the difference these made over my old neoprene dive boots. (Thanks to Marcgraham27 for the idea) So I thought I would see what other things people bought that they felt really made a difference in their ski or their riding and why, whether its a $30 pair of shoes or a $1500 TL system.


ps. Also would consider my Factory Pipe with Mod chamber as a great investment. Really cleans up the inside of the ski and makes working on it much easier.
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steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
My best improvements to my riding skills have never been equipment related. It was always gas + oil to ride more.
Also, going to Freerides to ride with people way better than you. That really really pushes your riding and confidence.

Equipment: Tubbies on my SJ, a stronger motor setup, and finally a lightweight hull have all helped my riding along. Never as much as just more riding, though.
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I'd rather be on the lake
Insurance (in case it gets stolen).

Hood straps (obvious!). We lost a hood in the atlantic, ALMOST lost the entire ski.

As far as real mods? Footholds. Made an enormous difference in my opinion. Also, a prop.


Be About It!
Wichita, KS
My best investment so far: Turf for my ski. I rode it longer with terrible fiberglass work and fiberglass poking my feet then i have with that all fixed, painted, and some turf on it now. my feet are still swollen from the before the matt riding! I wanna see you to 2 tanks of gas worth of subbing with no turf!


Captain of this ship
I think the pipe, hooker prop, EPIC, and Worx 201, turned my ski into an amazing beast..... but it would be nothing without a quick steer turn plate.

I rode a stock SJ a few weeks back and the stock turn plate is really horrible. As soon as I put the 0* bars and quick steer on I was able to do turn subs and 180's with ease. At about $175 from xmetal it was undoubtedly the best bang for my buck. Yes more power is always great but the level of "fun" increased greatly with the quick steer.

I have had several local guys tell me their enhancer made the biggest difference on their ski, and that is the best mod.
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Now with 20% more pulp.
London, ON
did you find the bored nozzle made much difference than without? I am asking cause I have a 13/17-3mm with a stock pump and a stubby cone. Works pretty good but always looking for more and #ZERO's bored nozzles seem a pretty good price.


got a Superjet
Cocoa Beach
best bang for the buck WORX 201 intake grate then a few dollars for material to shorten my handle pole. Those are probably the two most important things. After that it's lots of gas and oil to ride more.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
The best thing I ever did was move from Northern Alberta, Canada down to sunny South Carolina, USA. I actually think I ride less now but at least I have a 12 month riding season instead of only 5.

Tyler Zane

Open Your Eyes
i feel its not one mod but the entire package that makes a difference. save up some money, call jetworks and Art will tell you what all he can do for the said amount. it was the best decision i ever made to call him and it took all the guess work out of tuning.
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