300/440/550 Best low end prop for my X2?

I have an X2 with a 750. The prop doesn't seem to hook up very well until I reach high speed. I assume it is a stock impeller. What upgrades should I consider to give me more low end pull?
If price isn't an issue consider getting a custom skat swirl cut...its the best for the 750 X2, but a little pricey.

Also, do a search there has been a lot of discussion on this topic, you should find some good info.
i put a 15.5 skat in mine because of financial reasons, cant beat a free prop, and they go pretty cheap used! i have been very pleased with it, i have a 750 in mine and it has some good low end.


thanks darin...noswad!
I think Snackem will back me up on this, 12/17 or 13/18 swirl works good with an 85mm nozzle, some are going to the big hub and TBM cone setup. Be sure you silicone the pump properly, or it will suck air from behind.


X-2? Yes please
Cape Cod, ma
I dont have a 750 but i have a pretty built 650 and scat trac recommended the 14/17 swirl and i am really impressed and happy with it, especially the low end
Barrie, ON
Run a stock SX-R prop. It's a swirl...I picked one up for $45. It's stainless. This prop with a pump stuffer is what I've heard works best.
This is what I'm going to run in mine this year.
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