Bike won't roll with clutch engaged

Quick question for any of you mx bike experts on here.

Went to move my bike in the garage last night. Pretty sure it was in neutral on the stand. Pull it off the stand and go to roll it and it won't move. Pull the clutch in and it rolls a few inches then locks up like its in first. Kick it down to first and back up to neutral and it rolls fine with the clutch out. Pull the clutch in and it won't roll.

Bike is a 2015 yz250f with around 15 hours on it. Has been sitting for about a month and a half with a fresh oil change before the last ride (only rode it about an hour).

It has been pretty frigid here in Pennsylvania lately, more so than usual, so I kinda just chalked it up to cold weather (heat is only on in the garage while I'm there). I will fire it up this weekend and let it warm up, change the oil and see if that fixes it.

Has anyone ever experienced this?

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