Blowsion Tubbie Mll Help

kawa js550

Billy Racing
When I hold my tubbies up to the side of my hull they do not sit flush. If I have one end flush the other will have almost a 1 1/2 in gap. I tried pushing both ends down to get it flush and it seems nearly impossible. I feel like im going to break the tubbie. Im sure the screws will help suck the tubbies down but that seems like a hard task for the screw. Is this normal?

kawa js550

Billy Racing

07 Rn

This is with holding the back of the tubbie flush against the hull
Something isn't right. When I did mine on 01 RN they looked like this installed And are oriented like this. Countoured pretty good to hull also.

Can't tell from your pics if yours are oriented like this or what ?

Only thing I can think of is check orientation against this pic and make sure ski doesn't already have glassed on tubbies....also the 08 RN has built in tubbies... could your hull possibly be a late built 07 with tubbies or early build 08 marked 07


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I forgot to mention the set I bought was from a guy that used them to make a mold for his own tubbies to glass in his ski.

They must be warped then. Is it possible to return them ????

If NO..... Any way to clamp them to hull slightly and gradually heat with a heat gun while slowly applying more pressure and see if they can be re contoured slowly ??
Do you think If i take out some of the foam I can get it to flex better?

If you can't return them I guess you got nothing to loose. Maybe a combination of sanding the back some and re forming with heat ??? Dunno

The normall install kit uses cap screws and large washere'd UFO nut that epoxy to the hull that can help pull them in some too

kawa js550

Billy Racing
I tried everything there is no way it’s going to get the shape it needs. The guy I bought them from is blaming blowsion for having a crappy product and not taking responsibility or refunding me. Guess I learned my lesson from buying used fiberglass. Going to end up going with the prowatercraft ones once I get the funds.


SW Tenn
I had to crank my Tom21 sponsons down a lot. It was like 2" maybe more gap. The three screws pulled them in and they did not crack. I would try that first, you have nothing to lose at this point. Maybe some more pictures will help us figure it out as well. Side on pic maybe?

Im sure you have checked but make sure you have them on the right direction. They are not as intuitive as you would think and its easy to think the front is the back, a few people have done it over the years.

kawa js550

Billy Racing
I had to crank my Tom21 sponsons down a lot. It was like 2" maybe more gap. The three screws pulled them in and they did not crack. I would try that first, you have nothing to lose at this point. Maybe some more pictures will help us figure it out as well. Side on pic maybe?

Im sure you have checked but make sure you have them on the right direction. They are not as intuitive as you would think and its easy to think the front is the back, a few people have done it over the years.
I was thinking of just running them down and seeing what happens but if they dont sit flush then I have a bunch of screw holes in my hull. Maybe I can do a test and run the screws down into a piece of wood or something and see how they sit. Anyone got a junk hull I can test lol.
Bond a stud to the back of the tubbie where it needs to make up that gap. Just a thought.

Studs torque down better, there isn't so much twisting force
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