Super Jet broke msd ignition coil. what are my options?

ive got the old school msd total loss with the blue ignition coil. 1 coil with two towers for the plug wires. i broke one of the towers. does anyone have an ignition coil i can buy from them. i have the blue pro coil. msd says they dont make those any more. they did offer me part#8204 but thats for a motorcycle. just wondering if anyone had a coil they wanted to sell?
If the tower is broken but the wire inside still connected you could just glue it back together- been there. Also your system works really well with a stock coil- did that for years on several skis (thanks, Riva)
If the tower is broken but the wire inside still connected you could just glue it back together- been there. Also your system works really well with a stock coil- did that for years on several skis (thanks, Riva)
thats what i was thinking. i didnt want the spark jumping out anywhere though. the wire is still attached.i guess ill try some epoxy.
as far as a atock coil i had no idea. msd wants $143 for their replacement motorcycle coil. thats kinda too much for a coil.if i cant find a procoil, i might just start looking for a stock one.i dont know where i put the stock one.ive moved since then.


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
probably going to be my realistic option. just hope it puts out the same blue monster spark that my msd procoil did.
It will, its the cdi that controls the spark not the coil. Extra winding in the coil helps abit but its collapse of the magnetic field that makes the difference
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