Calypso lost -n- found

The Penguin

triple secret probation
I ended up with the following items that don't belong to me:

1 pink/green striped sheet
1 pair sneakers (left in the grass by the stairs)
1 long sleeve rash guard shirt
Steve0we's pillow (again)

The Penguin

triple secret probation
nope - my mistake bill.

If they were there when you arrived - then they were probably left by a previous renter.

I'll give 'em a week to get claimed - then they are getting pitched.
I lost my humility, was it left there? I think I left it next to that umm tequila bottle possibly... Maybe Jay-r burried it in the sand next to his pants...


Just plain me....
I lost my humility, was it left there? I think I left it next to that umm tequila bottle possibly... Maybe Jay-r burried it in the sand next to his pants... wasn't your humility that you lost, but I did see you lose something in front of the truck :puke: .... lol I couldn't resist Chris - it's the devil in me. You provided lots of entertainment :Banane09:
Glad I could help, Only the best comes out (literally) when I drink :) Started thinking about it and I hadn't eaten anything since about 11 and that was a little sandwhich :( next time I think I will have a real meal before drinking myself under the table.
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