Can a plug just die?

I only had 30 hours on some BR8ES's and one of them just died yesterday. I'm very glad thats all it was but I just did'nt realize a plug could just stop sparking for no apparent reason:rolleyes:


odd indeed but being an electrical part i can imagine it's possible, was it fouled?

ps not sure i am riding today, looks like my old college room mate is stpping bye so we may take out the boat and throw down a few
yea, Ive seen it. Usually only when we let a newb take the SJ out and is scared, you no. Then we just clean them up and put them back in. You ant wackin her wide open anough man! lol j/k

But yea, even on are race 50's it happens every now and then. Once my bike was running like total shoit, couldnt figure out what the hell it was. Through a new plug in there, an she had power like never before!

Just the nature of athe beast. The iuridium(sp) plugs seem to last a long time. My budy had the same ones in his SJ for over two years, just got some new ones the other day, and it felt like it woke it up some.

I wouldnt think it is anything to wory about. ....RUN IT!

But yea, you should get alot more hours then that out of them, id think. But thats probably how often I change out my B1 plugs, there cheap anyways. I run iridum plugs in my race bike, but run the same plugs as you in my B1. My friend runs iridium in everything, damn baller...
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This dang thing could'nt be cleaned up though. It just lost its ability to produce a spark.

I dunno, I have just never seen it but I'm sure it happens.

What are irridiums? Is that a brand? I would'nt mind trying something other than the NGK's.


I would stay with the BR8ES plugs. Run a fresh set to see if it happens on the same cylinder again. It could be indicitive a of a different problem, other than a plug just going bad.
njfl said:
I would stay with the BR8ES plugs. Run a fresh set to see if it happens on the same cylinder again. It could be indicitive a of a different problem, other than a plug just going bad.

I wonder now man??

I know my ported/epoxied cases have a leak into the flywheel area but it usually just gets a tiny bit of oil/fuel in there. What type of issues would this cause if any? I just don't feel like ripping my motor apart right now and it's running killer with no air leaks so....

I'm done with ported cases after this! I just re-epoxied all of it this winter and it already has a hairline crack in the new epoxy!:banghead:


makin' legs
Use regular BR8ES plugs and change them FREQUENTLY. Your boat will run much better on fresh plugs. It' funny that most of us spend tons of cash on our boats and then won't spend 3 bucks on plugs every few tanks.(not referring to you MADMAT:smile: ) Buy them in boxes of at least 10 and change every 5 or 6 tanks. More frequently if you run leaded fuel and/or high compression. I change plugs every four tanks or so. It really does make a difference. The porcelain can actually become conductive and the plug will not work properly. The bad thing is they may still look perfect so it's hard to look at a plug and see that it needs changing. Cleaning plugs to renew performance is usually a waste of time too. Hope that helps.:biggthumpup:

I usually change them once or twice a summer but your right......when I do Im can totally feel the difference!

I'm gonna start changing them like once a month.
Dude, dont pull your motor apart! This is not the first time a spark plug has ever failed.

A iridium plug is a high performance spark plug, I think the ones we run are made by Densco. They are good, but like 3x the cost of a std. plug. If you have a mod motor I would recomend trying some. Probably around $10 a plug. Thats not to bad on a $5000 dollar ski ya no.

Dont wory about a fouled plug if everything checks out good. Put a new plug in, if it runs good, it is fine!
crammit442 said:
Use regular BR8ES plugs and change them FREQUENTLY. Your boat will run much better on fresh plugs. It' funny that most of us spend tons of cash on our boats and then won't spend 3 bucks on plugs every few tanks.(not referring to you MADMAT:smile: ) Buy them in boxes of at least 10 and change every 5 or 6 tanks. More frequently if you run leaded fuel and/or high compression. I change plugs every four tanks or so. It really does make a difference. The porcelain can actually become conductive and the plug will not work properly. The bad thing is they may still look perfect so it's hard to look at a plug and see that it needs changing. Cleaning plugs to renew performance is usually a waste of time too. Hope that helps.:biggthumpup:


:hail: Couldnt have said it better, exactly what I was trying to get at.:woot:
FL-cracker said:
Dude, dont pull your motor apart! This is not the first time a spark plug has ever failed.

A iridium plug is a high performance spark plug, I think the ones we run are made by Densco. They are good, but like 3x the cost of a std. plug. If you have a mod motor I would recomend trying some. Probably around $10 a plug. Thats not to bad on a $5000 dollar ski ya no.

Dont wory about a fouled plug if everything checks out good. Put a new plug in, if it runs good, it is fine!

I already know the plug was dead because I put another one in and it sparked.

The only reason I will tear down is if it happens again and I suspect the stator is coated in fuel/oil cuz of the hairline crack in my case epoxy.:frown:
MADMAT said:
I already know the plug was dead because I put another one in and it sparked.

The only reason I will tear down is if it happens again and I suspect the stator is coated in fuel/oil cuz of the hairline crack in my case epoxy.:frown:

Oh.... hopefully she's alright:banghead:
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