Other can some identify this pump?


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
the only sticker left on the ski was sx. i thought the pumps had lower numbers? wouldnt 650 be the engine?

If it was a Kawi, and said SX on the side, it was either a 650sx or a 750sx. The pump shoe on the 650 models was built into the pump, but not on the 750 pumps, so it cannot be a 750 or 800 pump. That leaves the 550 pumps or the 650 pumps. I haven't seen the 550 pump but that looks like a 650 pump.

The 650 refers to the motor size, but all the 650 model skis use the same pump. The 650sx, the X2, the TS650, etc. The only difference in reguard to the driveline on the 650 models I know of is the length of the drive shaft and the nozzle.

The smaller number you may be looking for is 140mm. The 650, 750 and 800 pumps are all 140mm so that does not help you. That pump will not install correctly into a 750 or 800 even though the bolt pattern is the same. The pump shoe would not fit and the intake grates would not bolt to it.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
this is a bit misleading.

I can clarify. The SJ, blaster, and most of the skis utilizing a 650, 700, 760 and 800 (not 100% on the 800) utilize a 144 mm stock pump. There are other aftermarket pumps avail in 148mm and etc, but the stock is 144mm. The FX1 uses a smaller pump, but I figured that would be obvious to Scoob as he was asking about upgrading his FX1 to a larger pump.

The 650 series, 750 series, 800 series of the kawi skis utilize a 140mm pump. The 550's and etc use a smaller pump, but that would be obvious to anyone asking about upgrading the pump size.

Generally, any ski that utilizes a tripple motor has a larger pump than a ski with a twin.

Hope that's accurate and clears up any confusion.
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