Carb adjustments on 04 and newer SJ's


Makin' a Comeback!
Im most likely going to be buying a 05 SJ, and was wondering what you have to do to the carbs on it when you add a b-pipe. And only a b-pipe, nothing else. From my understanding you cant adjust them? Is this something easy to do, or would I have to send them out? Thanks.


Im most likely going to be buying a 05 SJ, and was wondering what you have to do to the carbs on it when you add a b-pipe. And only a b-pipe, nothing else. From my understanding you cant adjust them? Is this something easy to do, or would I have to send them out? Thanks.

Yes the brass plugs will have to be removed in order to access the hi and low screws.


Makin' a Comeback!
So the adjustments are already there, and I just have to take the plugs off, or drill them to access the screws?
I've got an 03 sj with stock 38's, choke plates removed, 2 screens removed from stock flame arrestor, Carbon Tech Low Tension reeds, Limited Bpipe, no porting, and ADA Head (35cc-185psi) and I am basically running what FP recommended with a little richer on the pilot:

135 Mains
75 Pilots (Think Im going to a 72.5 pilot/FP Recommends stock 70's)
95g Springs
stock N/S
recommended screw settings from FP (cant remember them off the top of my head)

I am very happy with the low end snap it has especially with the Jet Works Control Valve and my Skat 12/17 Swirl. It occasionaly has a very very slight bog if I hit it very hard right off idle, but Im going to try switching to 72.5's and adjust the screws and I should be able to work that out.
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