Carb problem on 08 SJ with B pipe

I am experiencing a very strange issue with my ski, it is a 08 SJ with a ltd B pipe. I´ve installed the 135 hi speed jets, set the screws, and removed one screen on the airbox, runs greeeeat except that after a wot run, if I shut the throttle completely and try to go WOT again after 2 or 3 seconds it dies like if it didnt have any fuel.... what is wrong with my setup? Everything else is stockl and otherwise the ski runs great!
Thanks guys! I had closed the low speed adjusters a little bit since it was running rough at slow speed, possibly due to lower vacuum after I removed one of the flame arrestors grils. My carbs are all stock except for the 135 jets (which came with the pipe and other forum members suggested I should install). I am afraid of being lean with 130 jets....what do you say? Also, do you know if my ski (08SJ) has the 75 pilot jets and 95 gram spring?

Thanks a lot!

Also, do you know by chance
Ok! Does anyone know what´s inside my carbs (from the factory)? I know the springs are now 115 gram stock (should order them for 95s) but are the low speed jets 75?


Race Gas Rules
Clearwater Fl.
Not always, depending on how you ride and the altitude/temps you ride in.
If your blipping the throttle a lot play with tricks, you might need to go back to the stock spring and or maybe go to a 72.5 low jet, Like I stated for him a good starting point.
You were correct! I tried opening 1 turn the lo speed adjusters and my hesitation is now gone! But, the ski feels a bit rich on plane now, maybe due to the 135 mains (which came with the FPP)....I have ordered the 75 pilots and 95 gram spring and will go back to the 130 mains to see how it goes.
Will changing to aftermarket flame arrestors give me any gain? My riding is mostly river riding, with lots of WOT time....temps are between 22 and 30 celsius, sea level.....

Thanks a lot!
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