Super Jet Carb Question with Pic - Is it Dead?

Pulled the carb off today to clean it up a little bit. In the pic that follows, you'll see what I found.

Here are my questions:

1. How much of a problem is it that I found significant rust in the area indicated?
2. What is that part? Is it removable/replaceable?
3. Is the motor in any trouble since there was rust?
4. What's my next step? (I'm guessing carb rebuild is a no-brainer next step... anything else?)

Carb Pump Side small.jpg
Pulled the carb off today to clean it up a little bit. In the pic that follows, you'll see what I found.

Here are my questions:

1. How much of a problem is it that I found significant rust in the area indicated?
2. What is that part? Is it removable/replaceable?
3. Is the motor in any trouble since there was rust?
4. What's my next step? (I'm guessing carb rebuild is a no-brainer next step... anything else?)

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That is a steel plug, they will get like that over time along with all the steel screws and clamps. Inspect the metering side, its more important. You are looking for debris and scaly deposits. Pull the N/S, its common to find a lot of deposits under it. Make sure everything is perfectly clean and reassemble with a new kit.
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