Chain and sprockets


1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
Hello, My 99 kx 250 needs 'em. What brand and about how much should I spend BTW I dont race but I want this upgrade to last. Thanks
if you want it to last get a sidewinder sprocket.i forget the name of the one i had but, i had it on my harescramble machine. two years and i dont even think it was starting to wear. but i use sunstars and a did ERT chain. on the 450 i have a parts unlimited x-rings and they last great, not to mention they are lik 60 bucks or so retail and wear awesome. the only thing with the is they arent gold plated, but who cares.


Just ride
if your on a budget go with sprocket specialists, ther are steel and last much longer than aluminum. you have a 250 so you can run an o-ring chain no problem, they more expensive than standard chains, but last so much longer.
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