Try to buy your grains(oats, rice, wheat germ, wheat bran, etc...) unrefined if at all possible(bob red mill makes some good products that don't remove all the vitamins and minerals). Regular boxed cereals are sugar in disguise regardless of the fiber they offer and the enriched synthetic vitamins they put in.
For dairy, try to just eat yogurt with some kefir if your dieting a couple times a day. Good for the digestive system since it contains good bacteria for the stomach.
Proteins, you really should buy organic if you can. Try to find grass fed beef vs the grain fed as its less in saturated fat and has a higher omega content. Wild game like buffalo and deer are very lean and heart healthy compared to a grain fed cow. Fish is great if you can eat it, especially salmon for the high omega 3s. I do like my eggs though(usually 4 per meal for the protein and extra energy)
As far as fruits and vegetables go, consume about 3 servings of each group oer day. This is your antioxidant group that will help prolong your life and keep your immune system up. All berries are great, try to limit raisins, bananas, and other high sugar fruits as they contain too much fructose and are lower in antioxidant capacity. For veggies, its hard to beat broccoli, kale, and spinach. Low in carbs, high in fiber, high in vitamins. Just what you need.
Water should be all you drink(I drink distilled since I have a distiller here at my home), with limiting or rarely drinking alcohol since its a diuretic.
That along with a good exercise program(mainly weightlifting and functional conditioning for cardio) will get you to your desired body mass index.