Super Jet Cleaning gas tank


Go Big or Go Home
Macomb michigan
Can I use bleach to clean my gas tank? I soaked my battery box and stock bilge and it turned white just like the day it came off the line. I was wondering if I could fill up a tub of bleach and soak it for a while to try to get it back to white?
I take it you obviously mean the exterior of the tank ;) I'm no chemical expert but my concern would be a weakening of the plastic potentially causing it to dry out/crack/leak.
theres also the potential for gas leaching into the plastic from inside then bleach leaching from outside eventually mixing and creating some reaction..

perhaps doing it by hand and scrubbing instead of letting it soak in a tub.. this would also avoid any risk of bleach making it inside the tank.

like i said im no chemist but thats the concerns that pop into mind...have you considered maybe an acrylic paint job on the outside of the tank??may make future cleaning much simpler.
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