Just ride the stock pole until you are doing tricks that can break It. I ride with lots of people on stock poles that race hard and regularly without problems. I agee that if you start doing nose stabs, reentries, and other tricks that put leverage on the pole then it should be a rush, but its probably not for new riding. I got a lot of the same about shortening the pole on my superjet, but i rode it for a year stock before i did, and tried other skis to decide the length first.
Ride it like you stole it this summer, just be careful with excessive lateral forces or hyperextending the pole, and you will likely be fine. By winter, youll know more of where you want your money and wont mind having the pole off if you want to beef it up. It cant be shortened, so who knows, by the time you need it beefier, youll want a whole new pole (xmetal, rrp, superjet, etc).