converting my kx 250 to run on methanol



i got a kit comming to set my kx up for rinning the bike on alchol or anyone ever done this? just wondering what the results are on it if not ill let everyone know by fri how it works out


I forgot!
i hear to run on methanol your air to fuel ratio goes from say 14.7:1 to 5:1. my buddy runs it in his race car. methanol is good for getting rid of moisture to from what i hear. do any racers run this in there skis?


yep 5:1 is the correct a/f ratio you need a super thin needle to make it rich and large jets.the parts will be in tomorrow and im gonna be on the dyno fri with it.gonna do a pull on gas as is and get the numbers then do the alky conversion make a pull see what the difference is and then mabe play with timing and pipes
Are you going to run extremely high compression or extremely advanced ignition? otherwise you wont be getting full advantage of running methanol.

Keep us up to date, I'd love to hear how this goes. Are you going to make your own fuel?


yes im gonna bump compression up and play with the timing on the dyno.the fuel is around 2.30 a gal here and you will use about twice as much.just got the parts today


Freelance Smartass
You're gonna have to run an enduro/desert tank to haul enough fuel around with you . . . . . . . the high fuel consumption rate is gonna be too prohibitive to make it really practical.



on a stock application the hp increase is 5-8hp alone then you gain more with raising the compression and more yet with the guessing ill gain 10-13 hp at least.really no goal with converting it.i guess i just like to mess with things.


forgot to add that only some types of oil will mix with methanol and it should be mixed anywhere from 4 -6 ounces of oil to one gal of gonna go with 5 ounces to be in the safe zone.just wanted to throw that out their incase anyone else is thinking about doin this conversion


didnt get the bike on the dyno todayday but did get the carb setup to run was a very simple conversion just a change of jets and was a little lean at first so i went with using the needle to richen it up and it felt alot better so went up on jets and it made it better yet.the more fuel i put to it the better it far as difference in power it was a big was a totaly different bike.comming out of a tight corner it just pulls like crazy.gonna do some more tuning with it tomorrow and take it to the track.its def gonna be the next mod for the ski


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Don't stock 250's put out like 40 HP? That's almost 25% more powah!

More fuel for more powah is a fair trade me thinks. =)
I thought the 250s were more like 30-35. I've heard a factory worxs 250 (like villopotos) will make 45hp. But that's still a grip of power!


I'll bet it smells cool when you run it.

yea its gonna suck for the people behind me it burns your eyes and nose pretty good and is pretty strong.ill convert back to gas on the dyno to get some numbers so i can compare and see what the real really gettin into playing with the bike still need to get the ski back togather.whats everyones thaughts on pipes right now i have a pro circut didnt know if the fmf was also switchin to v force reeds they claim that they will hold up better to the alchol
I havent heard Vforce will hold better to alchy,but I have heard they dont like nitrous. I thought they said they came apart from the cold temps and alchy is a lot cooler then gas,,,,, so>!>???? As far as the pipe,Ive always been a FMF guy,,but thats cause of the hook up. Back in my two smoke days I had a few FMFs crack on me. Id stick with the Pro Circuit and see how it holds to the new demands from the motor.


Just ride
pro circuits are more of a mid to top pipe and fmf's seem to make more power from low to mid on a two stroke...just from my exerience, i have owned both. o and btw the shorty scilencers being advertised for low end is a pile of bs. the shorter scilencer you get the more top end power you will get, the longer the scilencer you run the more low-mid you will have. Run a pro circuit with you stock scilencer and you will make some insane midrange.
I have a 30 gallon drum of KL-100 oil that I picked up, it blends with Alcohol and is super expensive. If you make it down my way, you can have some or if you want a bunch you can buy some from me! -Kurt
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