Custom/Hybrid Copying an idea/mod from someone else's ski...


Charlotte, NC
So I saw a mod someone did to their ski this weekend that I thought was pretty cool and wouldn't mind doing it to my ski. If I copied/stole this idea do some of you consider it bad form? Thievery? Okay?

Some people have differing opinions on this kind of thing. I'm just wondering. I'm most likely going to do the mod, but I wanted some thoughts on it. What would you say if you did the mod and someone showed up with the same one a few days later?

By the way, I am not referring to engine/pump mods. I think we all know there are only so many you can do and it seems like most people have a lot of the same parts (pipe, head, impeller, etc.)

Sound off.


Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
Site Supporter
Granbury, TX
As long as you aren't claiming the idea as your own and trying to profit from it. Otherwise, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. If I do a mod and others on the X copy it, just makes me proud that I thought of it first...

That's the whole point of internet forums, free exchange of information and ideas.


Charlotte, NC
I agree with imitation being a form of flattery.

A few years ago I did a mod to my truck when I was showing it and someone came along and copied it. I didn't really care, but a buddy of mine, you would think the guy called his mother some unspeakable things. lol It was kind of funny and thinking of what I want to do just made me think of it again. Was good for a laugh though.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
The way I see it...if you posted it on a public forum and had no initial intention of profitting from it yourself, I don't see a problem with someone else profitting from your idea. For example, someone in the past custom made an exhaust manifold for a SJ factory pipe to work on a 66e engine. If someone else were to come along and start producing and selling them, I'm sure a lot of people would be very pleased and the original fabricator can't really say much since he made his idea public.
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Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
The way I see it...if you posted it on a public forum and had no initial intention of profitting from it yourself, I don't see a problem with someone else profitting from your idea. For example, someone in the past custom made an exhaust manifold for a SJ factory pipe to work on a 66e engine. If someone else were to come along and start producing and selling them, I'm sure a lot of people would be very pleased and the original fabricator can't really say much since he made his idea public.

you might be talking about me, now someone hurry up and make a 66e manifold that won't fall apart like mine did.


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
I agree with everyone else, If your just doing it to your ski and not planing to sale the idea that's all game no karma points lost. The jetski market is so small, Its hard to profit from little mods and more than likely it was a mod of someone elses idea. If your worried the person might get upset about copying just ask them, unless your talking about my fire extinguisher holder then I'll kick you in your gimp leg. lol
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As long as its not something thats being developed and was a sneak peak for your eyes only..then go for it. If it was a friend or someone that was showing you some new secret thing that they were going to patent and sell...then no. Other than that its fair game.
^^^ Or maybe some sort of handlebar mounted bell??? J/k

That would be sick wouldn't it?? Do a big barrel roll over a surfer and give him a nice brring brrrring as you pass over head, and maybe the bird too. hahaha
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