couch sub

Winona MN
its a tank just plowing through and gets the nose in and its got so much weight behind it the water doesnt stop it as much from going under probably


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
The seadoo 2 seaters are light enough with enough power to sub. My friend has a sea doo XP that will sub if you drive it in a circle for a second.

It doesn't look like that. That was pretty cool.
haha or you could do it like my buddies..

do about 15mph and throw it in reverse till the ski is 60 degrees nose down and put it back in forward and full throttle... my buddy gets his head submerged on a 3 seater seadoo rxt supercharged

I've subbed three seaters in the surf. Just hit the wave and do a 180 nose stab. I guess its not a sub then but more of a nose stab. You can get all the way under water pretty easy with 800 pounds.


Rider Mod Needed
Catfish, NC
I figured out a way to do a sub on a friend's Honda. Get it going about 20mph and throw it in reverse, floor it, quickly put it back forward and floor it again. I have not seen myself do it, but the people watching said I completely disappeared. I only did it twice, 4 stores and water ingestion scares me.


Go Big or Go Home
Macomb michigan
haha or you could do it like my buddies..

do about 15mph and throw it in reverse till the ski is 60 degrees nose down and put it back in forward and full throttle... my buddy gets his head submerged on a 3 seater seadoo rxt supercharged

we do the same and our 3 seater goes right under :)
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