Couchers are weird

So I'm just riding around jumpin so rollers off various boats but not really getting that close when a couple kids on couches strt jumping the same wake I am. Can't blame them because it was a huge boat throwing a nice wake so it didn't really bother me. I rode off a little fitter across the lake then started heading back toward my house when I came across them again. I'm just ridding jumping and sliding my way toward my house when the ride up on both sides of me maybe ten or fifeteen feet from my and one tries to spray me. I just pinned it out of the way but I can't figure out why they would randomly try to spray me. My only guess is the were jealous I could have easily cleared their two ten grand skis and they could barely get them out ofthe water. Just thought I'd share that interesting experience wihh you guys. Also all this is typed via iPhone so forgive any mistakes or double posts. My service at the lake sucks


Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
Site Supporter
Granbury, TX
Problem with the MAJORITY (I didn't say all of them) of couchers is the fact that common sense, boating laws, and personal/other's safety seems to leave their mind when they hit the start button. That or a good majority of them really have no concept of how dangerous carelessness is on the water.

Same situation for us about a month ago. Big cruiser was throwing off some great rollers and we (standups) were having a blast, jumping wakes in a safe, logical manner. Next thing we know, two Honda sitdowns nearly run over my buddies. The couchers then proceeded to zig back and forth with no breaks, no waiting for other skis to jump, etc. They almost killed somebody....

I know your pain


couch riders are the reason "jet skiers" get a bad name. Most stand up riders are respectful or other in the water, but the couch riders don't respect :):):):). I was a a boat ramp in tampa and some jackasses come up there with the brand new turbo couch. there was like 10 of them for one ski. They did thier little gay spins right in the ramp area so nobody could unload thier boats and the boats that were tied up were smashing the dock and the :):):)s didn't even care. This went on for about 20min until this older guy(50's) comes over and asks them to stop and the dude gives him the finger and takes off soaking the guy. About 10 min later they tie the ski up to the dock and went to the truck to get a fuel can. All of a sudden the older guy came running out of nowhere and stole the teather off of thier ski and took off running to his truck and left. funniest chit i have ever seen. So the guys come back to thier ski and fill it up then 2 of the dudes get life vests on and jump on the ski, another guy pushes them away from the dock after trying to start if for about 2 minutes they get pissed and swim it back in and bitch about how they are taking it back to the dealer because it won't start. after it is on the trailer they even try to jump it with a car. it was some of the funniest chit i have ever seen.
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It would have been different if they knew me I suppose. Yesterday I was maybe fifeteen feet behind out pontoon spraying my nephew but I was also rising on my knees and staying a few feet away and to the side so if he fell ory parents slowed down I would be fine. Just weird to spray some guy you don't know. Now if they were girls, I don't think I'd be complaining :)
You need to learn how to do a kick spray, takes care of them pretty quickly.

I've been trying to and even watch your videos but havent figured it out yet. So far what i do is

1. steer a lil right
2. gun it so i pop out of the water
3. Land with jetski turned about 30 degrees

But I can't get it to kick spray because i feel that if the pump was turned out of the water the jetski would fall over really quickly. Anyways, the point of this is I watch your youtube videos often and still cant figure it out :)


i hate when you and your boys are riding having a good time then they(couchers) come over to ride with you but only they are going 70mph around you with no sense of dirrection.. agreed those things give us a bad name in canada too..

loved the teather story!

Mark Gomez

is where the surf is
Fullerton, CA
The friendly safety inspectors that sometimes roam the wash ramp at Oceanside say that part of the ocean PWC safety checklist is a signal Flare gun.. Hmm punk ass kids on coaches... flair gun.. shoot am i on to something or what?


Hooked on the Jamz
Lots of time, people are riding some elses sit-down... Rental car thinking... Agreed that zero knowledge of laws..

Bingo! This is OFTEN the case when we see REALLY stupid/dangerous stuff happening around here.

There is nothing I like to see less than a bunch of people coming out on ONE ski. Nothing good ever comes of that.
The more i think about the more i believe it was my "neighbors" across our cove. Ive never met them but their kids (the ones on the skis) seem to have no respect for anyone. They were waiting on something and decided to race to our dock and back to theirs. That consisted of the two fairly large couches flying in front of our dock (kinda a no wake zone, its less then 200 feet across the cove) and breaking loose, spinning 180s and flying back. I thought one was gonna hit out dock, i was hoping the other hit one of the trees in the water or the bottom...
Fortunately i did hear their parents getting on to them about the "rules" but their still not following them. Although i dont idle through our cove i normally go slow on my knees till i get in the slightly more open area. Plus my tiny fx1 leaves only ripples compared to two heavy couches.

also, sorry for the mini-wall of text. I type a little faster then i think :)


- SuperJet Thursday -
A few months back a tool on a couch was trying to impress some girl by doing some sharp turns and extreme spins, also throwing in some "go fast in straight line trick".

We were in my friends 26' Cobalt with tons of freeboard (tall boat). This boat has trouble getting on plane when its loaded down with people and they are all at the rear. While were plowing through the water with the bow up high, this moron flys by our starboard side and cuts in front of us (15' seperation) blasting water all over us while looking back and laughing with his girlfriend clinging onto his lifevest.

If that douchebags passenger would have fallen off she could have been run over easily. He was so close and the bow so high it was very hard to see them untill he took off.

From what I have seen 95% of them are clueless and get away with murder.


9 years to retirement...
Tampa Bay
I also have noticed that couch riders also like to ride real close to you for no reason at all. This happens on a regular basis out at the causeway. I'm riding the other day and minding my own business, and fortunately I have my head on a swivel all the time when I ride- this bonehead on a Sea Doo came screaming up to my right side within (no kidding) 5 feet of me-if I wasn't paying attention and cut to the right, it could have been pretty bad. He's staring at me like he wanted me to ask him for his fu**ing number or something.
It's interesting watching some of those guys ride around- I watched one guy go back and forth parallel to the shore at full blast no less than 30 times. I mean, is that really fun??
couch riders are the reason "jet skiers" get a bad name. Most stand up riders are respectful or other in the water, but the couch riders don't respect :):):):). I was a a boat ramp in tampa and some jackasses come up there with the brand new turbo couch. there was like 10 of them for one ski. They did thier little gay spins right in the ramp area so nobody could unload thier boats and the boats that were tied up were smashing the dock and the :):):)s didn't even care. This went on for about 20min until this older guy(50's) comes over and asks them to stop and the dude gives him the finger and takes off soaking the guy. About 10 min later they tie the ski up to the dock and went to the truck to get a fuel can. All of a sudden the older guy came running out of nowhere and stole the teather off of thier ski and took off running to his truck and left. funniest chit i have ever seen. So the guys come back to thier ski and fill it up then 2 of the dudes get life vests on and jump on the ski, another guy pushes them away from the dock after trying to start if for about 2 minutes they get pissed and swim it back in and bitch about how they are taking it back to the dealer because it won't start. after it is on the trailer they even try to jump it with a car. it was some of the funniest chit i have ever seen.

glad your speaking for an entire group of people.....i race with a group of people that have the utmost respect for the water and each other....... don't take the actions of a small group and assume everyone in the group acts the same way.....

and if you want to get into respect issues,.... how about you respect the law regarding the modification of hin/vin numbers.....

thank you and have a nice day.
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