how much do cr500's go for ???? rough condition and good condition ???? Timmy
The Timmer killin sj's Location metro detroit Nov 2, 2007 #1 how much do cr500's go for ???? rough condition and good condition ???? Timmy
suva 57 Location Just south of the Citadel, Idaho Nov 3, 2007 #2 In my area old beaters are 1000ish nice ones are 2500-3500.
K Kennay Squarenose for the _____ Location Myrtle Beach, SC Nov 3, 2007 #3 really depends on the year as well, they've been making those things forever. Your best bet is yo jump on Craigslist or look in some local magazines.
really depends on the year as well, they've been making those things forever. Your best bet is yo jump on Craigslist or look in some local magazines.
steveyz250fpilot Banned Location Huntsville, Alabama Nov 4, 2007 #4 Call Service Honda...get you a brand new CR500AF. I'd love to ride one. Talk about some :brap:!