crankcase sealant


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
I'm using hondabond 4 to reseal my crankcase after replacing the seals. Supposedly is the exact same as 3bond, yamabond, james-bond, etc.

My question is this... I remember thinking this stuff should cure for 24 hours before doing anything to it. However, on the tube, all it says is wait 1 minute before assembling. Since the stuff doesn't really cure anyway, how long should I really wait before pressure checking the engine?


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
I prefer the 1211 Threebond. Yamabond 4 is equivelant to Threebond 1194. Either will work, but 1211 cleans up easier, and isn't nearly as sticky/messy as 1194.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I like the 1194 better ,but thats JMO,some of the Hondabonds and Kawibonds do have a longer drying time before they are put into use.
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Customizing addict
Macon, GA
Go to PWCToday and ask MrSki. There is a thread that goes into GREAT detail on this very topic. Might save u some time.

I normally would not link u to another site-but there is waaay to much info in this one thread to copy and paste over here and kill the X's server space.

So fill the entire crankcase, crank, cylinder, and water jackets with sealant and magically you'll have no leaks... Wow that thead was 313 posts of classic pwctoday. I think my hondabond would cure naturally before I finish reading all of thread. lol


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
What's Mr.Ski's take on this?

3 tubes of loctite 518 gooped on in massive amounts will take care of 1 crankcase and seal it up perfectly. I didn't read very much of the thread but that was the general gist of it all followed up with an additional 300 posts of slander, bashing, "I'm right, you're wrong", and "I build engines for a living and have always done it this way". lol :biggthumpup:


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
Well I still can't find any tech sheet for hondabond online and it's getting too late to start working on the ski so I think I'll just wait until tomorrow.


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
Loctite 518 here.

Really??? You might wanna keep that on the down low! Due to Mr.Ski's case assembly method there is a world wide shortage/pandemic if you will, on 518!!! I have heard reports of people breaking into garages, dis-assembling cases to scrape off old 518 to re-use on their own cases!!!


Livin the generation gap
ketchikan alaska
Really??? You might wanna keep that on the down low! Due to Mr.Ski's case assembly method there is a world wide shortage/pandemic if you will, on 518!!! I have heard reports of people breaking into garages, dis-assembling cases to scrape off old 518 to re-use on their own cases!!!

HAHA Yeah I remember that whole thread. Truthfully I buy it at napa because I don't have any other access to a anaerobic type sealant other than ordering it from somewhere else and so far I have been happy with it except it stain's my underwear lol


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
Never seen his wife.

Pics or ban.

I am still trying to find the pic-a common friend of yours and mine put me onto the pic a while back. Pleeeeeze don't drop the hammer, Hammer! LOL

Just found it-


  • obamas-pd.jpg
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Loctite 518 here.

Has always worked well for me too. That and the 515. I rebuilt my old 550 motor in the winter of 2003 with Loctite 515 and it's still going strong today without any issues or leaks.

I'm sure you'll get a wide range of opinions of what the "best" sealant is, just the same way you'll get an endless thread or argument on what the "best" type of oil is, or what the "best" standup is.

What a waste of time that thread is on the other site. :banghead:
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