Cuong's Pismo video.

great video.

please keep em coming!

that style is real similar to mine. but better and way faster. yall do your re-entries 15 mph faster than me. the distance you get in the air is amazing.

i'll have to work on speeding up.

thats one i'll watch over and over.


Enjoy Life...
I just started learning on how to edit stuff, so there will be more coming for sure. Luckily, Rachael (Stan's girlfriend) loves taking videos and pictures so I'll have footage to work with. See you in Daytona in a couple of weeks.



can you post that?

idk..taylors got it..i dont know how and im not sure he does wasnt much just a few minutes..i think i only did one reentry when they were filming and i think thats the one cuong got too..

going fast for reentries is boosts ya but its hard to time..if you watch taylor he goes slow but still blasts em twice as i dont know..he always tells me to slow down
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yeah he goes three times as far as mine easy.

timing them would be tough. i also find that unless is super glassy, the extra speed causes me to get unhooked on the chop or double ups that we seem to get alot of.

great riding though. i've already watched it many times, please keep em coming.


Enjoy Life...
What helped me literally were switching to a 760cc and tubbies...I can go faster at mid range and the tubbies make the nose lighter, these combo give me a better "pop" of the lip...Power all the way through, not letting off the gas..Don't get me wrong there are days when I can't do them at all...

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