Other Darin Superjett Thank you !




Darin, Most people and probly myself have no idea about the time and effort you put into the site for free.

Well Once more.:notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

Thank you Very much for your Hard work to keep the site up !

From keeping people in touch for rides or teaching a new guy what not to do.

Its appreciated !
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You freaking rock! When I get those lightening fast responses to threads and PM's I often wonder... "When does this guy sleep, work, eat, have a life...???" I know you have a family and they prolly get pissed with you spending so much time keeping this site running to feed our addiction!

So thanks to you and your family!

As soon as I can finish baby step 2 I wanna hook you up with a donation for all the work you do!
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