Freestyle Dasa 970cc setup

Hi all,
I've built my new engine, dasa +10mm, 90mm pistons.
Domes size are 44cc and compression is really too high for recreationnal ski, around 220 psi. I use 98 octane fuel (but with this high compression, race gas must be better choice)
Engine actually run bad, good out of idle but bad mid range and I can't go to top, I'm afraid to break something

I've rode only 20mn and sparks are really dry, top of pistons are brown

Complete setup is :
pf pipe turn into wet pipe, 80 jet in the injector, no water in the waterbox (just a box ahahah)
Dual novitec 125L, 135H, 2.0 and 95g spring

Do you think I can change dome size to have something around 180-200 psi ? (46cc, 48cc ?)
What do you think about the carb setup ? (works very good on my dasa 872cc)
Pf pipe turn into wet pipe can cause problems ?
48cc domes should give you around 180, which is something i would look into since your still trying to tune it. Did you leak check the motor?
I have the same carb setup on my Dasa 1100 10mm but my jets are reversed (reverse jetting) and it works well. I have Novi 48's, PFP, TL and run 180psi. I also have a Dasa 908 5mm with the same setup and it seems to work well also (I've only been on it once so far with this setup). Hope that helps in some way.
to tight squish is prolly why your compression is so high with 44cc domes. jacked up squish will toast a motor pretty quick on high comp and low oct.
#80 is in water injection for the powerfactor
You're right, if I remember correctly I have #60 in return fuel line

I wait new base gasket to investigate more.

Thanks all
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