Daytona Turnout #'s?

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
What was the Official Head/ski count for the weekend? I know I was told on Saturday to stay within the flags but I know we went way outside the flags just to accomodate all the riders so I'm guessing there was a higher turnout than expected.


toronto canada
thanks to nick and his wife, it was a great event, i would also like to thank the staff at the makai and driftwood they are really nice people and put up with a lot of bs , they are very nice lisa the manager is so sweet she says we are better than the bikers and tip more, they let us use there water for flushing, got the hot tub fixed


Drama diffuser
Metamora MI
so if there was 1000 people and that dude got $10.00 per person for a picture with his cool looking but stinky ass bird he cleaned up!!


awesome numbers!!! just sucks that the economy even hurts things like freerides. The first one brought twice as much money for charity with a 3rd of the people. Hopefully things will be better by next jan!!
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