I don't think that having a competition aspect makes the riding no longer "free"riding. Removing the competition aspect may turn it into recreational riding, but freeriding is a "type" of riding under particular (surf) conditions.
There is freeride mountain biking, which is judged. I think its more of an expression session, I always feel like I am working out some of who I am when I am out there riding, somewhat like my style is an expression of who I am. Whenever I first hit the water, I spend the first few minutes just smashing waves, slashing, re-entries, carving hard to work out some frustration, then I settle into wave selection and working on aerials, catch some waves and surf them into the beach. I like to think of it like a race, get out the gates hard, then settle into a rhythm.
I think if the definition of freeriding is doing whatever wherever, then we must include our weekend couch riders cruising the lake riding 3 up as freeriders ;-) anyone opposed? Or does the ski type come into play too?