Difference between Blowsion & UMI steering system???

Hi All,

I'm after a steering system for racing on my 08 SJ.

I want a -1 turnplate so will buy the blowsion one.

I was going to buy the UMI steering system but looking at the Blowsion website theor steering system looks almost identical with the bearing set-up etc.

Can anyone tell me the pro's & con's of either?

If the blowsion is as good as the UMI then this will work out cheaper as it comes with the -1 tunplate.

Thanks in advance.​
I have the Blowsion setup on both of my skis. Both of these steering kits require maintenance. Dont turn your back on it or it may cause you to miss a ride.
Thanks, I understand that from having UMI previously, just wondering how the Blowsion kit differs if at all from the UMI?
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