Does anyone ever sub under a wave?

in concept it sounds good, but not when i really think about it. a surfer is laying down on their board, thus very low profile. when you are laying down, your height is maybe 8-12"? and you are streamlined on your board. now on a ski, the ski itself is roughtly maybe 18-24" hight, and unless you are laying down in the footwell area, you are going to add to the height. I just think you would REALLY get blown away if you tried to sub under a wave. someone might be able to prove me wrong, but thats just my .02 cents. i think you are better off turning around, and waiting for the whitewater to subside, then maybe try going over it.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I tried it our last time out and got tumbled pretty bad, you dive into the base of the wave but the front of the ski gets lifted up and carried up over your head with the wave. I wasn't standing either but laying out like a surfer would.
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I have done it but not a sub... more like took a bottom turn burried the nose and pinned it...

I think it was relatively small too. tops chest to head high...

Fun if you turn into it right and pin it so you dont get sucked back.

surfers do it cause they have to,to get out,on a ski its too easy to turn around.Im sure it could be done timed right in deep enough water,but its not worth the risk,it would have to be a pretty big wave,they break in water half their height and you would want to be well under it to not get sucked back


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
Surfers duck dive waves because its the most practical way of getting through them considering there sport. On a ski I'm sure someone could master this if it was there intention but its not a practical manuver. Skis are so fast that in the same time it takes a surfer to duck dive a wave, a skier can simply turn away from a wave he can't make it over, then turn back into them after they have broken and hop the white wash to get past them

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Surfers duck dive waves because its the most practical way of getting through them considering there sport. On a ski I'm sure someone could master this if it was there intention but its not a practical manuver. Skis are so fast that in the same time it takes a surfer to duck dive a wave, a skier can simply turn away from a wave he can't make it over, then turn back into them after they have broken and hop the white wash to get past them

That is a great bit of information to know right there...:bigok: My rookie azz sure could have used that tidbit.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Done it racing, but not on purpose. Learn to read the waves. If you cannot learn to do this then you really need to stay off them.

If you are heading towards a wave and you can see it is going to break before you get there. You can lay back and let it break then "bunny hop" up onto it. Or catch it right as it breaks and make it over. But if it is curling and you hit it one of two things can happen. 1. you punch through it and are ok 2. you get turned and rolled. Not fun.
When you think of it.... that wave is coming at you and your going at "it".... that make for a rather large smack in the face if you hit it wrong!


Johnstown, NY
Done it racing, but not on purpose. Learn to read the waves. If you cannot learn to do this then you really need to stay off them.

If you are heading towards a wave and you can see it is going to break before you get there. You can lay back and let it break then "bunny hop" up onto it. Or catch it right as it breaks and make it over. But if it is curling and you hit it one of two things can happen. 1. you punch through it and are ok 2. you get turned and rolled. Not fun.

That happened to me on a B1, flyin down the front stretch and I hadn't ever really been in the surf before... I kept waffling to hop over the wave or not until it was too late and I got rolled! That sucked bad


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
That happened to me on a B1, flyin down the front stretch and I hadn't ever really been in the surf before... I kept waffling to hop over the wave or not until it was too late and I got rolled! That sucked bad

Add commitment to that, and you got yourself a backflip! :haha:

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Waves are equalizers. I have raced enough in the surf to learn to use it to my advantage. At the 2006 Myrtle Beach race there were tons of racers who had not raced the surf. Waves are rolling in. Band pops, there is this huge wave. Most of the racers just charged the wave. They hit and go to the moon. All of us who know what to do just lay back then take off. If the wave is just right you can hit it and double jump the wave behind it. Think this happened on the 2nd moto, all those that got left behind kinda checked up! All of us are long gone at this point.


high on resin
san jose ca
ive tried it twice. one time i nosed it into the sand went over the bars and got washed up the beach in front of a bunch of people. another time i timed it just right (further out this time) dove in right before the base of the wave with it pinned. it felt like i was under water for ever and not really moving. maybe the swell took all my speed?then i popped up just in time for another wave that was breaking to flip me over and swallow me. it happened so quick i never really had time to even take a breath. i got tumbled for a while and thought i was gonna drown. it scarred the piss outa me
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Zack Bright. I Thrash.
Site Supporter
Oceanside, CA
i was out in ventura when i first started riding, it was overhead and i tought i could make it over, well the wave stood straight up and i figured id just duck dive. the thought process was so fast and i couldnt turn around so i tried it........

the wave had so much force and i didnt put my head down so i took it all to the chest which caused me to pin the throttle, which ripped the bars out of my hand.

i came through the back of the wave laying down with my feet still in the tray, didnt have enough time to even grasp what had happened let alone put my lanyard back in (learned after that too, no lanyard lol) and got smashed by the next set and thought i was gonna drown........

it might be able to work.....
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