
lone wolf
the guy who bought my blaster a few weeks ago seems to have ripped me off for the trailer:banghead: he was suposed to paypal me for it when he got home now hes not answering or returning calls .if anyone wants a free trailer in the miami area pm me and ill give you his address.i dont care if i ever get my money ,i just dont want that bastard to have it now


WaveJunkie PR
Central Illinois
the guy who bought my blaster a few weeks ago seems to have ripped me off for the trailer:banghead: he was suposed to paypal me for it when he got home now hes not answering or returning calls .if anyone wants a free trailer in the miami area pm me and ill give you his address.i dont care if i ever get my money ,i just dont want that bastard to have it now
Do you still have the title? Report it stolen.


Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
the guy who bought my blaster a few weeks ago seems to have ripped me off for the trailer:banghead: he was suposed to paypal me for it when he got home now hes not answering or returning calls .if anyone wants a free trailer in the miami area pm me and ill give you his address.i dont care if i ever get my money ,i just dont want that bastard to have it now

Someone should go repo it!


Old school -not by choice
Twincities, MN
Damn I shure as hell would!!!

Although, with a trailer, all you do is rip the vin off of it, and register it as a home made... :( You can do this with boats too.... I haven't stolen anything myself, but got things I paid for that didn't come with titles. I made the guys give me a bill of sale, but rather mess around, I just register it as home made...

I need a trailer, and I would shoot you some cash for it if he was in my area.... Someone in the FL area, get it for me, and hold it until next year I'll be down for Daytona.... hehe!


Rochester NY
I just sold him a starter. he seems like a nice guy. I havent heard from him in a few days. and he hasent signd on his aim s/n in a few days either. Im sure he will chime in some time


Limerick, PA
I just sold him a starter. he seems like a nice guy. I havent heard from him in a few days. and he hasent signd on his aim s/n in a few days either. Im sure he will chime in some time

are you referring to my guy....

or the guy they hijacked my thread for:biggthumpup:

Because i dont remember who my guys screen name is... but i talked to him over aim... so that sounds familiar....


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
:soapbox: :damnit: :Banane37: You know, most people on here are straight up. I am trusting as Heii and ship stuff like carbs to 2Lick and other people before checks are received all the time. An I rareley get burnt, but when yoe do, it just ticks me off to no end. 2 out of the 3 sets of carbs I sold last week shipped the day they sold w/o a check in hand because I kinda feel I know these guys on this board. Both sets were paid for and deal was awesome:biggthumpup: . The 3rd set went overseas so check was received thru Western Union and they shipped that day. I have done litterally thousands of $$$$$ in buying and selling here in a year and only got burnt for $60 BY (SELLINGEVERYTHING) who is a member here. And that one $60.00 transaction just ticked me off to no end.

Sorry to ramble, but people like this should simply be shot on sight.


Limerick, PA
:soapbox: :damnit: :Banane37: You know, most people on here are straight up. I am trusting as Heii and ship stuff like carbs to 2Lick and other people before checks are received all the time. An I rareley get burnt, but when yoe do, it just ticks me off to no end. 2 out of the 3 sets of carbs I sold last week shipped the day they sold w/o a check in hand because I kinda feel I know these guys on this board. Both sets were paid for and deal was awesome:biggthumpup: . The 3rd set went overseas so check was received thru Western Union and they shipped that day. I have done litterally thousands of $$$$$ in buying and selling here in a year and only got burnt for $60 BY (SELLINGEVERYTHING) who is a member here. And that one $60.00 transaction just ticked me off to no end.

Sorry to ramble, but people like this should simply be shot on sight.

I feel exactly the same way,
I feel like I trust the people on here and I have no problem sending out parts before payment....

Its too bad a few people see that as an opritunity.....

Oh well it was only 10bux but its more the principal of it....


Johnstown, NY
Hey 2lick, Kwit just told me about this! Man im so sorry about forgetting about the shipping! Ive had alot of parts coming in for this boat and it just totally slipped my mind. I have to check first but Im willing to bet you have been emailing my paypal address. I dont use that one for emails, ill pm you that one. But again im real sorry about this, I wish I had remembered.

-Scott Fiorino
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