electrical issues

The Penguin

triple secret probation
I thought my electrical problem was solved with the addition of a Jetworks battery (in place of the chitty Wally batteries I've been using)


seems I still have an issue with the battery draining.

Last night I put the charger on it - and it stayed at a reading of 12.1 volts for several hours, as if it was not taking a charge.

Went riding today and had the same electrical issue (not wanting to start after riding for say 30 minutes or so) that I've had for a while.

So I'm thinking either it's the rectifier, or the stator. I had the stator out about a month ago and it looked fine (no broken or shaved wires, etc)

so, how can I test the rectifier?

when I came home today, I disconnected the battery completely, put the charger on it - and it seems to be charging normally. Within 10 minutes of putting it on the charger it was above the 12.1 it would not go beyond last night...but still only 70% charged according to the digital readout on my charger.



steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
I have had those symptoms before - it turned out to be a bad rectifier.

Measure the resistance between the positive battery cable and ground (battery disconnected).
If it's only a few kOhms or less, the rectifier is likely faulty.
Pull the rectifier and measure resistance between it's terminals.
You want to see more than a few kOhms.
I had a bad rectifer last year as well, ski would be dead after 30 minutes, We rigged a old kawi one for the weekend and it worked fine and replaced it since with no problems. the way we checked is we started it and I hooked it to an ohms meter and watched the voltage, when it wasnt working it was going down or still when it was it would spike up when you give it some throttle. Dont remember which wires it was.


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
yeah its the last of the electricals out of a vxr i picked up... it was a spotless box and everything was functioning.

let me know what is worth... pm me


I have had those symptoms before - it turned out to be a bad rectifier.

Measure the resistance between the positive battery cable and ground (battery disconnected).
If it's only a few kOhms or less, the rectifier is likely faulty.
Pull the rectifier and measure resistance between it's terminals.
You want to see more than a few kOhms.

Pengie, I have a schematic sp of what all the wires in the stator should ohm out at. I need to find it though.

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