I got one of my friends into the sport so he picked up a cherry 91 650sx. He has an enclosed trailer that he used to use for dirt bikes. He now uses it for the ski. This is his problem. He doesn't want to back the enclosed trailer into the water since the floor is wood. however, he has a really bad back and cant lift it in and out to put it into the water. due to an upcoming wedding and what not he doesn't have the money to buy a small pwc trailer and beach carts seem to be just as much money. Do any of you guys have a good idea for a cheap and back friendly ramp that he could use to load and unload the ski by himself? We'll make it a winter project build lol. He might throw his back out just pushing the ski up a wooden ramp so something super creative may need to be in order. I know what you're thinking, "why is he jet skiing with a back that bad?" Honestly I dont know how he does it. he says bouncing doesn't affect him, its any sort of lifting that causes issues. Any way, thanks in advance