Other Everstart 12,000mAh Multi-Function Jump Starter & Battery Charger for $9 at Walmart B&M

Hey guys, I like to shop deals online. Saw this and thought it would make a great portable jumpstarter for a jet ski? Not sure how many CCA our engines require but this jumper can be purchased for 9$ at walmart. (edit - For $9 you can also charge lots of devices)


Go to this link, read the first post. Shows you how to verify price and availability for your local Walmart.

Ehh, I looked up (purchase) reviews online and nobody was reporting this issue. The product says to not store it in sunlight. It's still good that he pointed the risk out.

None the less, for 9$ you either want it because it's cheap or you are willing to pay extra for a potentially more quality product :)


Buy a Superjet
dang none local to me. :( If it can jump a car, it can jump a ski. However, I wonder if you could use it as your main ski battery. :D
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