Custom/Hybrid Fiberglass - Carbon fiber Question

Picture 051.jpgI have my Foot holds shaped on my 300sx build and ready for fiberglass. But I'm thinking bout using carbon fiber fabric instead of the fiberglass. The big question is. Does carbon fiber fabric go on the same way as the fiberglass fabric? When I fiberglass I cut the fabric to fit where I'm glassing. Then I mix the rossen and hardener and use a paint brush and spreed it over the area till its soaked in then let it dry. Would I do the Carbon Fiber the same way?


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
Same concept except you have to pay closer attention to what you're doing since you can't see if carbon is fully wetted out like fiberglass.


High on jetskis.
dont waste the money or effort, its not worth it. you should watch some how to vids on composites though, ill tell you right now your going to use too much resin.
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