Custom/Hybrid fiberglass weight Conversion ?


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Hi everybody

as my name says , i'm living in Tahiti and we are very poor with résin and fiberglass choice.....

i've to buy some yard of fiberglass fabric, mat, biax, carbon biax and UD, and the place closer from me , is USA , welldone, but , could you tell me the best place to buy it ?

So I 've lost my way with the conversion between OZ vs GR....all the conversion website are lost too with 1/2 or 3/4 ....did you have something who help me with that ? for example , how many gram is 3/4 oz in Mat fabric ?

I ll hope you should help me .

Thanks a lot



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Biax 1708 is 17oz rowing + 8 oz mat = 480 gr row + 225 gr mat

Yes ?

or 17 oz (+45°) + 17oz (-45°) + 225 gr mat ?

Thanks for your help

We havent this fabric here and cannot see by myself,
so , as i need to order , i 'll want to be sure before order

US composite is good place to order ?
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