Super Jet Finally finished SJ.

Finally finished my 2003 RN SJ after lots of saving and work. My graduation present to myself :D Paint is bad but I care more about performance than looks right now.

Tom21 footholds
Hydroturf kit
Protec ride plate
Worx 201 intake
12/17 skat swirl
Blaster mod b pipe
Dual cooling tapped pump and mani
Ada head 35 cc domes.
Rule 500 bilge w rotary switch

I will probably do the steering mod or xscream steering at some point, but for now I just need to ride the crap out of it and have some fun! 20160306_181429.jpg 20160118_175247.jpg 20160306_162601.jpg 20160306_181448.jpg 20160509_205142.jpg
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