Fire extinguisher holder for an airbox


Carajo,gringos apestosos
When i bought this ski it came with this carbon hood for racing. It was stock hight but no fire extinguisher holder. Kurtwolf got me one for the tray like the squares. So now i can use the carbon hood.

WRONG! Sucked water in it twice in the rough cause it's lower inside and closer to the carbs. I stole the idea from RotaxGrenade and it worked with the stock hood but now i got something new.

Took the old F.E. holder and an old intake tube from a Kawi SC, cut it in half and put this together. I'm testing it out tomorrow. I really want to run this hood with no worries of water ingestion.

airbox 003.jpg airbox 006.jpg airbox 007.jpg airbox 005.jpg airbox 010.jpg
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